Jamie Lyn Spears is pregnant!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The 16 years old teenager recently announced that she was pregnant.

Yes, she is the younger sister of Britney Spears who is one of Hollywood's worst celebrities.

The reasons are really obvious.

What could possibly happen when your mother allows you to move in with your boyfriend who is of legal age to have sex?

Raging hormones...

I was browsing through MSN's homepage when I came through this big debate about Jamie Lyn Spears and Lindsay Lohan's younger sister.

Many people thought that Jamie Lyn Spears would be the better one compared to Lindsay's sister.

But I guess........... the other one would be a better choice.

I wonder how Mummy Spears raise these sisters up.
Losing custody of children, hitting children with hard objects, getting caught naked in hot tubs with other guys, getting pregnant.......


And what's next?
Jamie Spears not wearing panties?

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