Fight, Fighting

Friday, August 28, 2020

 Here, where the sky's falling

I'm covered in blue
I'm running and I'm crawling
Fighting for you
When the rain stops
Then, darling, what will I do
And I know I go all in
But why do I


There's a crack in my window
A bird in my room
Angels all over
That watch over you
When I'm walking on water
All my dreams have come true
Still, nothing means nothing
Without you, you


I got out of my comfort zone this year, Papa.
Wish I could tell you that. 💓

I've been dying to take my fitness instructor course for the past 5 years, but I kept it on hold because I was afraid. Afraid I wouldn't be able to make it, and the thought of failing scared me more than anything else.

This year, I signed up without hesitation. 
I jumped at that opportunity, because I no longer want to put off plans or the dreams I've been harbouring. It's time to take action and chase those dreams, like you always wanted us to do.

You keep me fighting, Daddy. 

And I will always keep fighting, no matter how intimidating everything gets, or how hard the going gets. 
It's going to be worth it.

Today, I received my fitness instructor certificate. I passed. 

So happy, but also sad at the same time. If only you were here to celebrate this piece of good news with me.

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"I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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