1.What makes you happy?
Manny many thiings..(:
2.If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you, would you still wanna hear it? why?
hhmms..ii think so..i dunnoe whyy..hahaa*
3.Do long distance relationships work?
4.How many people do you know that share your birthday?
5.Is there anyone that you would risk your life for?
yuppps..my lurvved ones..
6.Person that other people say you look like:
no onne..
7.What animal would you not want to be turned into?
puppyys? heex. they're so adorable! <3>.<>
i remember the dayy when u enter my life...
e special day was 14 feb...
under e starry sky...
u gave mii e 1st present
diamond represent eternal love
i gave u e 1st present..
tie represent lockin` e love..
u held my hand
and told me from the bottom of your hartt
u wanna make me the happiest gal in e world..
blissful tears was welling up in myy eyes now,
c0s u have made it dear,
u bought a lot of sweet stuffs,
u fulfill lots of my dreams..
u pamper me lots,
nv did u once complain wheneva i`m at fault,
all my doubts are gone,
for now i knew i was someone u loved so much..
i love euu my dearr,
promise tt i will nt let euu tear..
together we walk on e lane that `s called
verii r0mantic bahhx?
the msg was sent to mii by a girl wh0 was gettin` mariedd..
i reallyy like thiis msg..=)
aww..nxt m0ndayy g0nna have science paper s00n..='(
t00 badd..
wanna rest de..
butt cann0t lia0..
tuesdayy g0in` 0utt withh auntie ching, j0elle [[ da jie ]] , weiyi [[second jie]]
thenn auntie chingg preparingg breakfast..f0r us..=P
i`ll eat up all the f00d...l0ls..
dontt lett auntie chingg eatt..
she t00 ---->> (^(00)^)
gett what i meann? =P
kidding larhs.
d0n`tt reallyy kn0w wh0`s she `s inviting..
nvm, i`ll just concentrate on going to her hse !! (:
l0vfees , <33