Monday, January 01, 2007

oh my GAWD :O
Look at my nails!

They're so long and yellowish!
Smoke too much lor.. Hmm..

I think is the nail polish's fault >:(
Because my nails was coated with hot pink nail polish one month ago,
and I left it there until now..

Now it's so yellow.
Thanks to the nail polish!
Grrr >:(

But I like my nails length ..
BUT! two minutes ago i just had them cut short.
My nails look bald now.
I just wish the holiday would come soon..

Then I can leave my nails long..
And I can get to see him too.. <3

Monday, January 01, 2007

I'm sorry I made you suffer on New Year's Eve.
I'm sorry for not being there for you.
i'm sorry I didn't made you happy.
I'm sorry for causing you to be so lonely..


I promise you that I'll make up to you if I have the chance to..
I promise.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ok, I just found a nice song 10 seconds ago!
Over my head by Fray ((:
It's a nice song.
Found that when i was browsing through a girl's (who's using my blogskins) blog.
It sounds emo, but sweet to me .
I'm gonna write as long as possible.
So I can cover up my pictures that's just below.
( Scroll down if you want to see it )

Well, here's something i found in a website.

Just click la.

Nothing much will happen anyway,

So click if you want to :)

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Quote of the Day

"I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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