Carnival Ride
I'm a really great fan of hers, thats why I even included the song "Don't forget to remember me" into our History project!
I must download all her songs by.... next week! :)
Sigh, tomorrow will be the last day of school, and most probably I will just hug my friends and cry because we can't get into the same class or something else.
-cough cough-
Haha, that was real. I'm down with a sickening cough which has been stopping me from laughing these few days and I hate it!
Anyway, I really can't wait for Halloween!
(Though I'm not sure if everyone else can go..)
IMVU has been selling Halloween outfits (for your avatar) and one of the witches' outfit caught my eyes!
Click here to see it.
And talking about IMVU............
I was invited to a chat by this unknown guy and he's soooooooooooooooo desperate.
Our conversation went like this:
"Hi I am a 27 years old korean.""Hey."
"Are you single?"
"Yes, but I am enjoying every single minute of it."
"Are you hot?"
"No. Quite fat... and ugly too."
"Oh its okay.......... I looking for gf."
"I see. Why did you tell me that for..?"
"Because I want you."
"................................... Fuck off."
"..... Why?"
"Because I don't like you and I fucking don't know you."
"I am korean but I now in singapore"
"Good then I suggest you to go geyland and find one girlfriend. They offer extra service to you too."
"Just fuck off."
"I WANT YOU!!!!!"
Okay, end of conversation.
He's damn scary and yes, he is.
In fact, all IMVU guys are. Tsktsk.