
Extended new year resolution!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Refrain from swearing too much.

Though I hardly swear nowadays.
(I think)

And of course, I want to be a glamorized 45kg!

I must be as skinny as Kate Moss or whatever piece of skinny shit.

I'm looking forward to PE tomorrow 'cos we'll be having volleyball training for half a year!

Hehe, the last time I played volleyball was.......hmm, let me think. OH YA, last year with Jiawen and her friends.
SO FUN LA!!!!!
(except for the painful wrists and so.)

All that jumping can just make you skinny!!!!!

And recently, I've been addicted to green tea which helps you in losing weight SO I AM VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!!!

HAHA, and I got a big big treat from Thadsha breast today: SUBWAY COOKIES (Double Choc)

I know it's super fattening but it doesn't hurt much, does it?

Oh, and I looked like a siao char bo today la.
Hair untied and all. Running to school like a chicken. Screaming like a banshee.

I OWE THADSHA BREAST SOMETHING for making her wait a pathetic 15 minutes for me.
(Hope she doesn't see the last part hehehehehee)

OKAY, now I'm going to do my Physics assessment book and of course, my Maths Tutor because my tuition teacher will be so pissed off if I don't complete 5 pages! (To tell you the truth, I've only done 4 pages out of the 364 pages.

AND THADSHA BREAST, please hold your birthday party at Aranda country club or whatever thing that we saw at DOWNTOWN EAST COS WE CAN JUMP INTO THE POOL WITH OUR CLOTHES ON WHICH IS SUPER DUPER FUN!!!!!

Taiwan :(
I want to gooooooo.


Guys' favourite assets exposed! (Not really exposed la)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Looking at my post title for today, it's like DUH!

Every girl knows this.

It's obviously the (.)(.) and the 3
For your info, these are breasts and ass.

Looking at the rate of men raping women nowadays,
I'd sometimes wonder, "Eh, are you guys really that despo that even if there's faggots inside the vagina you'd still stuff your penis in it??!!"

Or maybe......

"Even if the breasts are just bones you guys would still suck it??"


This is a classic example.

BUT before I show you the picture,
please get some plastic bags or something else which you can vomit into.

I'm giving you 2 minutes to get it now.


It's definitely the most disgusting breast implants I've ever seen....

So................. Get ready.....













Oh bloody fucking yes!


Is this some kind of Japanese Occupation rotting corpse baking in the sun??

The hands look as if it's decomposing!!!!!!!!

Oi you perverts, are you masturbating now??
Nice right??

The next picture is all guys' number 2 favourite asset!!!!!!!!

Yes, you can do it in many different styles/positions!
Doggy style, cat style, horse style, cow style......

And this, I s'pose must be the biggest and nicest a guy ever wanted!!!!!!!

Presenting you the worst butt implants ever!!!!!!!









Walao eh, like two basketballs poking out liddat sia..

I bet this woman was really greedy so she called the doctor to make her ass bigger by putting more air/silicone/milk/shit.

I bet the dick will be squashed very soon if.......... HAHAHAAHA!

Enough of this retarded looking piece of Jap Occupation stuffs,

PS: Don't come to my blog just because you want to look at the photos and masturbate!!!!!
Hahahaha :X


By the way, I made a new blogskin!

Click click:
(Best viewed in Mozilla FF)


Condom Commercials!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Haha, have you ever seen a funny condom commercial on the TV before?
I haven't seen it on any of Singapore's channels before.

My brother and I were checking Youtube out for cool videos until one of the related videos showed us, "Funny Condom Advertisement!"

Here are some condom commericals I like!!

This is some other country's condom brand. I think it is Africa' condoms???

I didn't get this at first, but after that I got it!!!!! LOL :X

To all the guys out there who thinks that wearing a condom is worse than spending a day/evening/night alone.

It was really funny at first, but the last part is GROSS!!!!!!!!

And lastly, A VERY SWEET ONE!

To those who are heartless. Do it for the sake for your loved ones.

So... how did the fuck word came about?

In ancient England, a person could not have sex unless you had consent of the King (unless you were in the Royal Family). When anyone wanted to have a baby, they needed permission from the King, if the King gave them a placard then they had hang it on their door while they were having sex. The placard had F.U.C.K. (Fornication Under Consent of the King) written on it.

And there you have it =)

(Above were extracted from the page of "Sex With Condom" from Youtube)

Alright. I am seriously very bored.

Someone's not replying :(
I'm getting not interested anymore, just tired of waiting over and over again.

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"I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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