Saturday, November 11, 2006

Okay, I've realised that having a laptop is NO fun at all.
Firstly, you've gotta fight with your siblings.
I fought with my brother for the laptop although he know it's mine.
Secondly, you'll have to re-download everything.
Okay, I downloaded Photoshop CS2 again but my brother uninstalled it.
And worst, I can't find the brushes I want to use !
Ok, so currently, I'm not going to make any blogskins,
for I don't even have any nice brushes and I don't have Photoshop CS2 in my laptop now!
So you guys would have to wait til i find those brushes that I've used
last time and after I've downloaded Photoshop Cs2 in my laptop.
And plus, the installation of Sims 2 aren't going well!
Oh well, I've gotta go and fix it now..
I'll try to ((:

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