
Meetup with the girls!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Yesterday, I met up with the girls Thadshayiniy Jessie Jeslyn and Cherry heheheh.

It's been quite sometime since I last saw them... So we decided to eat lunch at Buddy Hoagies.
We were supposed to meet at 2pm.

Cherry was the first to arrive at 2.10pm, then the last one to arrive was Thadshayiniy, who came at 4pm?!?! LOL

Anyway, we had quite a long chat at Buddy Hoagies, updating one another about our lives -_-
oh! And Jeslyn's dog went missing, but luckily it was found by someone whom handed it over to SPCA.

After that, Jessie had to leave for cheerleading training so the rest of us went to play bowling instead..

Seriously I tried to apply the Skype method (bowling from the edge) but failed to the max :(

I'm the loser among all, HAHA.

After that Thadshayiniy left to meet her friend, so we decided to go around and take more photoss!

I think that the alive gallery at downtown east is totally shitified -_-

But the prop outside was good for people like us to camwhore with it!!

Haha, it's damn funny coz people passing by were staring at us -_-

Anyway, the sun was setting so the background was really pretty.. So it was another place for us to camwhore again hehhh :)

She's obsessed with Mona Lisa HAHA!

We were trying to imitate the people in the painting :S

It was really a fun day together out with the girls. I love them x100000000000 :)


Laugh as much as you breathe, and love as long as you live

Thursday, August 12, 2010


On Tuesday, I met up with Jiale and Gina before I went to YOG Torch Relay @ held in TP.
It's been so long since I met them! (And Yan Mae and ChingHsia :()

I was wearing my hideous yellow biz shirt that made me perspire like madshit, arghhh.

We went to Tampines to eat BBQ chicken :)

Hehe, we talked about our school and about 7th month!!
Omgosh, the newspaper has reported that this year's 7th month is really fierce because 2010 is the year of Tiger.

So many people have been sending me chinese chain messages, but I'd just delete them without reading the contents. Going home after 7pm is no easy feat for me anymore because my imagination will run wild whenever I'm taking the stairs. HAIZ :(

Anyway, after BBQ chicken (which we were like damn full) we headed to Frolick for dessert..?
Haha, Jiale treated Gina and me because she's got the calendar!!
SO EXPENSIVE LOR WOMAN. But the way they design the entire book is like super nice!

OH YA!! Gina's got two 4 earholes now, 2 on both side! :D

After eating our frolick, we wandered around Tampines One and decided to use Jiale's new camera to take photos! (In case you're wondering, all these clear and gorgeous photos is from her new Samsung camera!)

Sian.. Don't know why my eyes are so small here -_-

I remember this was one of the favourite things we would like to do in secondary 1 or 2 when we're taking photos.. Stars!

After that, they accompanied me back to school as Jiale wanted to look around TP!
We took 69 back to Temasek poly :)

@ the back of the bus!

Went back to school for the YOG torch relay event and we actually spend about 2-3 hours waiting for them to run pass us within a few seconds. Haiz lucky I wasn't sunburned.

Yiming was telling me,

"You know ah, the bubblegum will stay in your body for about 7 years..."

There're so many reported cases of people choking and dying from bubblegum and that day when I'd swallowed the bubble gum, it was the first day of 7th month!!

Okay I'm very superstitious.

Anyway, I went to KBOX with Joelle Lyn Kaur today!! HAHAHAH!
I don't think the staffs will look forward to our next visit though. Hehe, shall update the next time! :)



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

On Saturday, met Justin and Matin to do CSA project (I'M SO SORRY I WAS LATE :() at downtown east before meeting Thadshayiniy and her mother for Blood Pledge!

The content was pretty good, because it was about these few girls making a suicide pact together, and there was a whole story behind Eun-young's death.

The SUDDEN sound effects and appearance of the ghost keep making everyone in the cinema scream/murmur among themselves. So fking noisy can! Some even laughed at some serious scenes -_-

Well, the movie didn't end that late so I wasn't that AFRAID to go home by myself. Hehe :)

On Monday, our class was supposedly to have a CLASS 1-for-1 lunch at Swensens. Turns out that LESS THAN 1/4 of us turned up for it. Nevertheless, it was still fun! The food is like the sex mannnn.

So tempted.. Nowadays, I don't really care what I put into my mouth anymore. It makes me really pissed off when I don't get to eat something I want so badly!! I used to envy girls with skinny bodies. Now, I feel that they look like nothing but ANOREXIC shitz.

At least I'm not enormous. I don't look I'm suffering from anorexic either. Just perfect :)


Sorry, girls just love to camwhoreeeee.

We went back to school's student lounge to chill out there as Jeannette had TPSU duties.
Omgosh, they had new game machines such as the hockey thinggy and dart!

Well, we borrowed Taboo which was SUPER funny because all of us had a enjoyable time guessing the actions Raudha was doing!

And not to mention, I pwned Jane and Matin in the hockey game, but YAN YING WON ME.
WALAO, another rematch soon hor!!

We bought the ribbons on our hair from a blogshop's pushcart at the business school's entrance. Super prettyyyyy~ I LOVE.

Anyway, I got 2 warning letters from the school. Can you believe it? WITHIN A FREAKING MONTH. It was purely because I missed school as I was in Malaysia.

My friend was like telling me, "Wa.. your third letter you will get an ungraded pass!"
I was like, "OMGOSHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

BUT there was one occasion I had to attend my BSG investiture which was held in school. SO important lor! The teacher just marked me as absent and thus, the warning letter.
Faggot la -_-

Well so far, school's been pretty good. Tomorrow i've got CSA presentation and I'm told to wear smart casual. What the hell is smart casual anyway?! -_-

Oh whatever. Sports club after that! (Even though I didn't sign up for Sports Club, shhh)
Playing captain's ball tomorrow from 6pm to 9pm. So excited cannot waitxzxzxz!

Before I end this post, I wanna say that......................

I miss secondary school + recess + our PRCS teachers + our schoolmates + our fish pond + yellow form (if we're late) + getting caught for fringe + skipping P.E + eating in class + attempts to skip remedials + assemblies + school song and I miss 4/5 VERY THE MUCH! Time flies TOO quickly :(

In all the photos I've uploaded in the post, I used lomo effects. Mad prettyyyyy. I know.
Gives me a vintage-y feeling :-)

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"I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

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